Swim Meet Best Practices

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Langley Flippers

Swim Meet Ins and outs

Equipment: What They’ll Need…

Competition Suit 
A one-piece swim suit is required for swim meets (blue) or a racing Suit. NO t-shirts, board shorts, watches, jewellery or swim-shoes are permitted.

Because swimsuits deteriorate rapidly with daily use, swimmers are encouraged to wear practice suits to train in and keep their competition suit for swim meets only.

After each use, swim suits should be thoroughly rinsed with cool tap water.  Suits can be washed using a mild detergent and hung to dry, and try to avoid using a hot dryer.

A latex or silicone swim cap is used during a race and at practice, they help cut down on resistance, as well as, protect swimmer’s hair. Caps are worn by both girls and boys. Caps can be purchased at the pool from a coach or an executive member.

Goggles are usually worn by swimmers during practices and competition, as they enhance vision and protect swimmer’s eyes. Goggles come in many shapes and sizes, and sometimes it takes a few pairs to find just the right fit. 


Team Uniforms
Some type of warm-up or sweat suit should be worn at meets and to and from practice during cold weather. Clothing embossed with our logo; (i.e. sweatshirts, t-shirts, sweatpants, ect.) are available to purchase online. Purchasing team clothing is not a requirement, but does enhance team spirit and makes spotting teammates a breeze. 


A large, thick beach towel is the usual preference of swimmers; and a minimum of three towels is recommended to bring to each day of a swim meet.

Swim Bag
Swimmers may bring their bag onto the deck; they must place them in the ampatheater and not the pool deck.  And please leave all valuables at home!

Swim Meet

The Day of the event!

Competition is designed to be a learning experience; by implementing what has been learned in practice, swimmers test themselves against the clock to see how they’re improving.

Swimmers are encouraged to attend as many meets as possible, throughout the summer; and in order to qualify to attend the Regional Meet, a swimmer must participate in at least one official-sanctioned meet (not a fun meet) during the season.  Swimmers who qualify for Provincials are encouraged to go.

Swimmers are encouraged to attend meets, aiming for personal best.

Meets take place on most weekends, starting late May and are hosted over two days. Parents are encouraged volunteer at meets their swimmers attend, to be an official, timer and recorder, crash desk official, etc.

Our club does not provide transportation to swim meets; it is the parents’ responsibility to arrange travel plans.

Sign-up for meets must be done one week prior, swimmers will no longer be able to register after this deadline, and coaches will determine which races your swimmer(s) will compete in.   

Please make sure you plan your season!  The meets and dates that the Langley Flippers are attending for the 2024 season are listed on the website under the Swim Meets tab.

Swim Meet

What to Bring

Make sure your child comes to meets with proper equipment, clothing and food!

  1. Langley Flippers Swim Cap (Caps can be purchased through the club);
  2. Goggles;
  3. Club swim suit, or royal blue swim suit;
  4. Enough changes of clothing to be warm and dry during the whole meet. (One set of dry clothes in the vehicle to return home in is always a good idea);
  5. Sleeping bag or blanket;
  6. Shoes and deck shoes;
  7. Towels, at least three;
  8. Traveling games, books, cards, etc. for entertainment;
  9. A nutritious lunch. Most swimmers feel more comfortable eating a number of smaller nutritious snacks during the day, rather than one larger meal at lunchtime. Pack lots of fruit and vegetables, protein, carbohydrates and water.  
    • Foods to avoid include: pop, chips, candy and chocolate bars.
  10. Parents… When you’re on deck, volunteering, your shoes will get wet and maybe even your clothes.   It is suggested that you bring spare shoes and shirt as well.

Swim Meet

Meet Procedures

  1. As soon as swimmers arrive at the pool, have them check in with the coaches. Get prepared for warm-up/activation. Coaches will coordinate the warm-up schedule, which will be sent out usually the day before the meet.
  2. Check with the coaches if you’re on a relay.
  3. Check in with the coach before and after each race.
  4. If a swimmer misses an event they will be considered disqualified.
  5. Swimmers are responsible for listening for the marshalling announcements of their races.

Swim Meet

Meet Attendance

Parents will be informed about up-coming meet registering dates via email (be sure to check your Junk Mailbox and redirect Flipper emails to your inbox, so you don’t miss future emails).  Their coach will decide, with your swimmer, what events the swimmer will race.  You must register by the meet deadline in order to attend the meet.  If you attend a swim meet, your swimmer may be expected to participate in a team relay, which are held at the meets end, please expect to stay till the end of the day for relays, it is a great team building experience and fun for all.  If your swimmer can not stay for relays, please inform the coach prior to the entry deadline.

Swim Meet

Volunteer Duties

Swim meet duties are mandatory when your swimmer attends a meet. This can be timing, recording, deck official, the crash desk, etc.